About Us

No.1 We Love Our Sneakers!

In the beginning Sole Insiders was created as a platform for Australian based sneaker enthusiasts to get together and share their passion for sneakers. It became THE place where you can be yourself and share in the joy and mate-ship that comes along with the passion we all have in common.

Of course sharing pictures and conversations leaded to trading, trading leaded to others selling, and so the cycle began. The Facebook Group was created on November 21, 2012 (The Eve of the Air Jordan bred/playoff 11 release), we started with 6 Members and now 9,000+ and still growing!

Sole Insiders is now one of the Leaders in the Australian Sneaker Community, have been around since 2012 we’ve seen a lot of other new groups come and go.

Sole Insiders is here to Support and show Love, Promote, Educate and hold great events for the sneaker community. Keeping it ‘Clean, Fresh and Classy’. Sole Insiders has also evolved, not only just a Facebook group we have expanded into a Clothing & Apparel Brand which started in 2013. We look to provide great quality Clothing and Apparel to our Members and to the World.

= Welcome to SOLE INSIDERS . COM =

Check out one of our Original clips from 2013!